Design, Research & Development - ITALDIBIPACK

Design, Research & Development


The attractive design of ITALDIBIPACK Group certainly embodies the ideal of lines and essential shapes, emphasizing a technological choice that focus on the result. A special place is reserved here to the Swing model, the heat-shrinking sealer that revolutionized the concept of manual packing, becoming an inspired example of style and elegance.

SWING is the name of a great IDEA, the result of a significant process of product engineering, a new way of interpreting “one-step”® machines by creating a striking change in aesthetics and structural materials, giving the machine a particular stylish appeal, but also implementing the qualitative-technological level and optimizing the production process. Without forgetting the MECPACK line, the full automatic packaging line for excellence:  fast, easy to use and simply the best.


ITALDIBIPACK and the R&D (Research & Technical Development) are faces of the same medal.

The attention that ITALDIBIPACK has been reserving to the improvement of its range of machines constantly and strongly growth through the years, exactly like its constant attention in listening to the Customers’ requests.

40 years spent in the quality and efficiency improvement, to always offer the best services, the best design, the most adequate ergonomic and functional product.

The safety and the reliability of ITALDIBIPACK’s products is a guarantee that only such a specific experience can transmit.

40 years spent at the service of each packing exigence have been permitting to develop a know-how, a specific  attention to each detail, a caring for the product that the ITALDIBIPACK R&D daily develops and brings in the packaging world, without equals.


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