We are at HISPACK 2024

ITALDIBIPACK will be present at HISPACK 2024 – the most important packaging event of 2024 which will be held in Barcelona from 7 to 10 May. On our stand there will be the most interesting innovations developed by ITALDIBIPACK R&D and an aperitif counter active every day of the fair. Don’t miss the opportunity to try live our latest innovations.

ITALDIBIPACK guarantees the best packaging and wrapping solutions, suitable for every packaging need, strictly made in Italy.


07th to 10th May 2024, Barcelona


JOLLY WORK – multifunctional system


It’s not the same machine for everyone!

Everyone should have its own JOLLY!

JOLLY WORK is a system customized for everyone exigencies.

Thanks to the MAGIC PLATE you can add to the pallet wrapping function the wrapping boxes and lifting ability, you got 3 MACHINES IN ONE.


available in single or dual rools versions


packs, protects and makes tamper-proof any parcel or object


lifts up to 40/50 Kg load up to 1500 mm



One system designed for the safety and health of logistic operators:

  • to stop all kind of pains and injuries in back, shoulders and knees
  • to stop all kinds of lightheadedness and dizziness with risks for the equilibrium and the physical fitness
  • to solve all lifting needs
  • to stop all kind of abrasions and wounds to the hands and fingers
  • to  improve performances and functionality in wrapping and stabilizing every type of load
  • to help in forming pallet till 2000 mm high


THE TOP – The best performances, all in one ROBOT!

Column height excursion from 1700 mm to 2700 mm – 200% power pre-stretch – high performances.

telescopic column with excursion from 1700 mm to 2700 mm only by ITALDIBIPACK


LEONARDO FAMILY: to solve every pallet stretch wrapping need

DIBICUBE – a new era in the shrinking

DIBICUBE is a revolutionary project, born to offer a restyling and complete turnover of the heat-shrinking machines, thanks to the engineering experience developed by ITALDIBIPACK

Realized to offer a huge sector of applications in the smallest working area.


A cutting-edge project realized to offer a real change to all heat-shrinking machines, thanks to the technical experience of ITALDIBIPACK.

  • Inimitable
  • Very light, it could be positioned wherever you want
  • Reducing footprint with low consumption
  • Suitable for every field of application
  • Easy control of functions thanks to a sophisticated operating system patented by R&D Italdibipack
  • Innovative technology and exclusive design
  • It allows to use shrink GREEN FILM® by ITALDIBIPACK

INTERPACK 2023: a great success for ITALDIBIPACK GROUP

ITALDIBIPACK GROUP would like to thank all the wonderful people we met during the Interpack 2023 edition. To all those friends and visitors who have joined us from all over the world, who have cheered up and enriched our stand, a SPECIAL THANK YOU for the unforgettable moments lived together…
sure to see you again soon in our headquarter near to Milan, completely renovated and enlarged by the warehouse dedicated only to the production of our ROBOT LEONARDO family.

A great success achieved at IPACK IMA by ITALDIBIPACK

Never as before, the influx of visitors has been so engaging attracted by the increasingly innovative packaging solutions that Italdibipack has been able to develop over the last few years.
Our mission has always been to propose winning solutions within everyone’s reach today thanks to virtual reality, Italdibipack is just a click away!

We would like to thank all visitors, friends and acquaintances from the world of packaging that after several years we were finally able to meet again.

A special thanks goes to all our staff, who came from all over the world, always at the very best disposal of our Customers needs.



A short video of this experience:

Neuer ITALDIBIPACK Showroom in der Schweiz, dank ANTALIS und ABC Pack!

Die ABC-Pack Group in Kooperation der Italdibipack Group freuen sich, die Eröffnung der neuen Verkaufsstelle in der Schweiz bekannt zu geben, einen brandneuen Showroom, in dem Sie die Zuverlässigkeit unserer Maschinen zum Einwickeln von Paletten mit der ECOSPIR-Rundtischlinie mit ihren zahlreichen Varianten (motorisierte Vorstreckung) testen können ; ausgehöhlter Drehtisch für die Beladung mit manuellen Geräten; die erhöhte Säule zum Erreichen größerer Wickelhöhen; Plattformen mit einem Durchmesser von 1500 oder 1650 oder 1800 oder 2000 mm je nach Maschinenmodell … .. und viele andere) und die meisten geniale Familie von auf dem Markt erhältlichen Verpackungsrobotern: die Roboter LEO und LEONARDO, mit einem faszinierenden Design, das man nicht vergessen kann, in der Lage, auf die unterschiedlichsten Verpackungsanforderungen zu reagieren, auch auf die schwierigsten … innovativ und avantgardistisch, patentierte aber gleichzeitig für alle erreichbar!

Gestärkt durch die Seriosität und Zuverlässigkeit unseres Partners steht Ihnen das Italdibipack-Sortiment daher ab heute auch in Lupfig (Schweiz) zur Verfügung, um Sie beim Verkauf sowie bei der technischen Betreuung aller Italdibipack-Maschinen einschließlich der Maschinen für die End of line (Maschinen für SKINPACK, Band- und Umreifungsmaschinen).

Aber auch für alle Maschinen der Italdibipack HEAT SHRINK-Reihe, von den DIBIPACKWinkelhaubenverpackungsmaschinen über die ESPERT halbautomatischen Winkelverpackungsmaschinen mit integriertem Schrumpftunnel bis hin zu den schnellen und widerstandsfähigen MECPACK automatischen Schrumpfverpackungslinien.

Nicht zuletzt haben wir das erfolgreichste Segment: die Produktion der Flowpack-Reihe aus schrägen und geneigten UNIQUE, Verpackungsmaschinen für Lebensmittel aller Art, aus Backwaren (Brot und Derivate, Snacks, Obst und Gemüse, Fleisch, Süßwaren) allgemein), aber nicht nur, zum traditionellen festen, kompakten und sehr schnellen DIBIFLOW, um Einzeldosisprodukte in Trays oder lose zu verpacken.


Dank der neuen Zusammenarbeit mit Antalis, kommen wir gemeinsam den Schweizer Kunden näher und wir sind bereit, Verpackungsanfragen aufzunehmen und Lösungen zu unterbreiten.

Ein gebündeltes Kompetenzteam freut sich auf Ihre Bedürfnisse.



Italdibipack from 22 October will be present at HOSTMilano


HOSTMilano, an important trade fair for the HoReCa

The appointment for the top players in the world of professional hospitality.

Participants are over 1000 exhibitors from 40 countries, divided into the three macro-areas of the event (Professional Catering, Bakery, Pizza, Pasta; Coffee, Tea, Bar, Coffee Machines, Vending, Ice Cream, Pastry; Furniture, Technology, Table). The Event is the indispensable support for orienting oneself in the “world of away from home” to come.

On the Italdibipack stand you will have the opportunity to try our heat-shrink and flowpack packaging machines that are ideal and specifically designed for the HoReCa sector.

Within the “schedule”, the place of honor of the unmissable events will be reserved for the great showcase of SMART Label – Host Innovation Award, the recognition that has now become an international staple for everything related to innovation . Organized by Fiera Milano and HostMilano in collaboration with POLI. Design of Milan University Politecnico with the patronage of ADI – Italian Association for Industrial Design, the competition can already count on more than 79 “call for entries”, including a jury composed of professors from the Politecnico of Milan and experts from the world of design, architecture and hospitality (including Maestro Massari) will choose the products / services / projects considered the most “Innovative” in terms of functionality, technologies, sustainability environmental, ethical or social implications.


Professional catering will see a focus on digitization, a trend that can no longer be ignored, since 55% of restaurants still do not use apps or software for ordering, only 34% have adopted software for warehouse management and only 31% use e-invoicing tools. These are just some of the data that will be disclosed to Host2021 during the presentation of Catering 4.0, a privileged Observatory on the digitization of the sector by FIPE – Italian Federation of Public Businesses.


New price list 2022

We have updated the price list of our line of pallet wrappers.

Stay updated and ask for the new version.